BRRRR your way to Infinite ROI

Infinite ROI (or Infinite Return) – an elusive phrase that almost sounds like a scam. But many has done it before, where they manage to get their investment to generate returns even after taking out their initial investment. An example would be when you invest $1,000 in a particular stock and it has doubled. You take out your initial $1,000 and let the remaining $1,000 grow in value and generate dividend. You can do the same for property investment. Here’s what the BRRRR method is.
BRRRR method stands for (1) Buy, (2) Rehab (Renovate), (3) Rent, (4) Refinance and (5) Repeat, where you buy (usually distressed) properties at under-valued prices, rehabilitate/renovate/refurbish the property to a marketable standard, rent it, go to a lender and refinance to pull out your initial capital (or more), and repeat it.
For the full details, check it out in the explainer video.