ST Eng

Byte Sized Investments taking stock of 2016
As 2016 comes to an end, the tempo at work starts to slow, festive lights lit up from every corner of Singapore, it’s time to take stock of what we had done for the year and set our goals for the next. We published a total of 25 articles spanning

ST Engineering reports higher profits in 2Q2016
Byte Sized News Release: ST Engineering reports higher profits in 2Q2016 Key highlights Commercial sales constituted 65% or $1.1 billion of 2Q2016 revenue Order book of $11.6 billion at end June 2016, of which about $2.5 billion is expected to be delivered in the remaining months of 2016 Cash and

ST Engineering: ST Aerospace Arm secured new contract worth S$770M in 2Q16
Byte Sized News Release: ST Aerospace secured new contracts worth $770M in 2Q16. On 12 Jul 16, Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd (ST Eng) announced that ST Aerospace, its aerospace arm has secured new contracts worth $770m in 2Q16, for projects ranging from air-frame maintenance and cabin interiors, to engine wash, and

Byte Sized News Release: ST Electronics secured new contracts worth $505M in 1Q16. On 20 Apr 16, Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd (ST Eng) announced that its electronics arm, Singapore Technologies Electronics Limited (ST Electronics) has secured about $505m worth of contracts in 1Q16. Contracts include projects such as Rail Electronics

ST Engineering: ST Aerospace secured new contracts worth S$443M in 1Q16
Byte Sized News Release: ST Aerospace secured new contracts worth S$443M in 1Q16. On 18 Apr 16, Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd (ST Eng) announced that its Aerospace arm has secured new contracts worth S$443m in the first quarter (1Q) of 2016. The contract included projects such as component repair and

5 Interesting Pointers to note for Vicom Limited 2015 Full Year Report
Vicom Limited (SGX: V01) announced their financial results for the year ended 31 Dec 15 on 4 Feb 16, after trading hours. Before we break down Vicom’s financial results, let’s take a quick look at what Vicom does. VICOM Limited is a holding company with 2 main business segments.

How you could have made 10% in 3 days!
Some days back, I wrote an article on using share buybacks as references to capitalize on stock market crashes. So what is share buybacks? Also known as “share repurchases”, share buybacks occurs when a listed company buys its own shares from the stock market. You can see it as the company re-investing into itself. When